Andrew was able to get R2.3 million in publicity during his time climbing Table Mountain, reaching 30 million people. This assisted him in his quest to build a community around focusing on the solutions to solve societal problems - rather than complaining about them. Below gives you an idea of the scope.
featured march 2024
Featured on prevue Meetings website Why transformational incentive travel is the next big thing
"My most vivid memory from visiting South Africa many years ago, happened after dinner one night when our black waiter joined my group and sanga soulful local anthem with our white South African guide. These countrymen brought tears to my eyes with the spirit of ubuntu, an ancient African philosophy that directly translates to, 'A person, is a person, because of another person'." Regina Baraban
Full Spread Feature in MEN'S HEALTH - Living on high
Andrew Patterson was featured in a full-spread Men's Health spread about climbing Table Mountian every day for year.
Image from Men's Health
Featured in ESPN One climb at a time: Hiking Table Mountain every day for a year
Andrew Patterson on losing his job: "As scary as it was to have my future slate wiped clean – it started a whole new way of thinking which for me, didn’t include going back into the corporate world. I wanted my time to be spent adding value." Marzahn Botha